Saturday 17 January 2015

4years of impactful service

Helen Ayoleyi

If among many good things I can attribute this young lady with, it is the prowess of her efo riro. Excellently delicious! I ate her efo once and that kept me

 craving for more. I requested for more, but this time, it was with a dinner with her fiancĂ©.  

Helen Ayoleyi is a dynamic, intelligent and enterprising young lady. Our relationship dates back as far as 2007, when she was a junior colleague in Wesley College of Science, Elekuro, Ibadan. I am not exactly sure if we at any point had reasons to talk until we met in Ilesa in 2012. To say she hasn't been a blessing in my academic sojourn so far will be far from the truth.

This epic experience in 2013 will be too soon to forget. I was in 300level and the school was in its annual strike around that time. After working late into the night, I found out that I was gradually feeling pain on my right lap, the pain got so intense that I had to stand from my chair and lay on my mattress. The pain aggravated each minute and my body began to feel great discomfort.  – Temperature rising fast, head strongly aching. It was hell and I just couldn’t sleep all night. More disturbing, students are away from school because of the ‘annual’ strike and there was no one to call to rescue. (I could even be so weakling when I am sick).

But thank God for Helen alongside Samuel. I put a call through in the very wee hours of the day. And she came immediately. She went the extra mile to ensure that I have enough medical attention before I was transferred home. She exemplified the roles of a good mother in the making & that of a Good Samaritan. I can be sure she's one to really look up to in the future.

She is young & vibrant. Loaded and filled with ideas. Passionate and intelligent. I won't be surprised if in few years’ time, she controls the economic sphere of this country as her entrepreneurial spirit will lead her through. Her approach to life is epochal and the world should eagerly wait for her arrival. She sees the world from a matured point of view and deals with precisely and accurately.

She made me understand that a friend is not one that you should always have seasons of uncensored laughter and jokes, not one that gives you efo riro + semo to devour always,  but one who challenges your wrong  ideologies, gives you reasons to reconsider your ways and place you high on relational demands, so you can go beyond your limits. Helen never fails in offering advice when and where necessary. She was never found wanting in rendering genuine opinion on leadership stints. Interestingly still, on many occasions, we fight and pick up quarrel so many times, but each of those fight has makes us respect ourselves the more.

Thanks for being part of the story. Let’s keep it going. I respect your personality.

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