Monday 30 March 2015

parting words

Parting Words Part 2

I have heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason bringing something we must learn, and we are led to those who help us most to grow if we let them and help them in return


I wanted to take you as a kid brother; I want to be so close so I can  make out of you a replica of ‘Gboluwaga’ in OSCOED, but each time I try, you make it repulsive with your naturally revolting behaviours. Many times, I had to take your side when people come reporting. About 3times, I called you and planed a walk with you to just educate you on the benefits of living well and need to live a serious life, but you hardly put them to use.

Sordidly, I had my share of this nauseating attitude when I had to leave Ilesa highly embarrassed because of your dim actions. Brother, I only wish you can change for good. 'Attitude is everything' so goes the common dictum. Please, Consider working on your attitude and perhaps you release your entire being to a total revamp. Heaven help you.

CHUKWU Micheal

I used to cherish my privacy right from my days in 100level. Most of the beautiful idea I got came from my moments in solitudes. Until you came in January 2014, my company to myself used to be one of my greatly priced assets. However, Your presence in my room changed so many things about me. I wouldn’t know what perception you hold towards me, but I need you Know that God rewards.

I believe that one of the best help to offer is to provide the basic need of accommodation, more especially to an unknown person from another culture. I wasn’t out of my sense when I did accepted you in, although I assumed you would be leaving few weeks after as you painted it – weeks turned to months and months turned to a year. allow me to open up to you here (at least it is my parting words) I did my best in accommodating you and providing all you seeming needed as a  fresh student - I won't like to start listing.

I remember the day you moved in for a semester and you came with just 5cups of egba garri as if that could do you for a week. As well as I assume I did, I doubt if your gestures in returns were really quantifiable. I was close to tears when I learnt the door to the room was taken away by the caretaker because of your inability to settle him – only Dara can explain how I felt.

Since I am not taking it as an issue against you, like Jesus, I prayed “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they do.”
Packing out of that room with such shame and embarrassment will forever linger in my memory, although I understand how inane Kola can be by spending the money.


Yours is a story of a friend and brother so relevant. Often times, I ask why you are so skillful, resourceful and gifted. True to type, as described and said of Bezaleel in Exodus, so you are. But I will not be fair to the beautiful future ahead of us if I won’t ask ‘why?’ why you hold so much to yourself without expressing them, why you make it appear like you are lazy?, why you are more of words and less of actions?…

Friend, a drop of water makes an ocean. I’ve discovered you despise the days of little beginning. I wish to remind you that nothing great starts great. To get to the top of a ladder, you must start from the lowest step and it has to be done one step after another step. Let me end by saying dream big, but please,  learn to start small.

SKY Sukanmi (omo baba AFO)

Skyeeeeeeeeeee, I know your worth, I know your content, I know what you are capable of doing and achieving in all realms of life. Don’t get distracted and don’t be discouraged. Keep the fire burning and always leave room for God at the fore of your doings. You are who He says you are.


Part of the discussion I had with you on your last birthday will be repeated. Young Mary, don’t live this life as it comes, that will not suffice. Let me remind you that you cannot be everything, but you can be what you wanna be and what you wanna be should come from your interest and your passion. You don’t have to follow the crowd, not even friends, because our destinations in life quite differ. Strive for personal excellence, and trust me most things you are chasing after now will jump back to start chasing you.



Obviously, cool among the best. The last on this list but definitely not the least. I wonder if we really have anywhere to which we going to part. Blood they say is thicker than water.
 Maybe You are surprised to be in the list, little do you know that our discussion in school late last year (the longest we've had) earned you some dose of respect. I see in you a focused & determined ambitious woman. In simple words, ‘Live for in!!!’ I charge you to live to get the best in you out.

 Finally, ‘in the words of Richards Bach, the bond that links your true family is not in blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life’

 I believe and value your future.

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